Harpur Trust supports our charity

The Harpur Trust has provided a generous grant of £15,000, spread over three years, in support of the services provided the Bedford MS Therapy Centre.

Last year, the Trust committed almost £4million (including bursaries) to the needs of the local community. This grant focusses on the services of MS Health and Wellbeing Coach, Emma, who says, “This generous grant enables me to carry on offering ‘The Well-being Star’ to our members. This is an initiative that aims to support positive change and greater wellbeing for people living with long term health conditions”.

The services of the Bedford MS Therapy Centre are available to anyone with MS living in Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire and adjacent counties. If you would like to prioritise the areas where you would like to make improvements, create an action plan focussed on your goals, and measure the progress you are making, this is the initiative for you; it will enable you to live as well as you can with a long-term health condition.

To take part or know more about the Well-being Star, please contact the Bedford MS Therapy Centre reception on 01234 325781 or email reception@mscentrebedsandnorthants.com.


40th Anniversary Launch Week


Now open some Saturdays for physio, Pilates and the gym